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Friday, October 31, 2008


What does fall mean to me???
It's time to breath in the cool crisp air then my thoughts turn to Christmas, it will be here soon ,but first let's enjoy fall in all its wonderful colors .

Oak trees and their leaves and acorns are special to me ,I told my father once that he was my strong and mighty oak tree and that I was the little acorn nut that fell out of his tree.
When I see oak leaves I think of my Dad.


SmilingSally said...

That's a nice metaphor for your dad.

Brenda Pruitt said...

What a sweet thought, Diane. I have acorns and pine cones and leaves. And still pretty blooms and the air conditioning on!

Nola said...

How poetic, Diane! Your photos of the leaves are beautiful; I wish I had some that were changing color.

Attic Clutter said...

Hi Diane (:) Oh I love the post ..we used to have a tall -tall oak tree but it died.. boohoo..
thanks on the sweet words dear one..
Have a great day ~!!
hugs, Patty

smilnsigh said...

I think we are getting around to really realizing that the Seasons are turning. :-) I'm fully into November, with my first Nov. post.

Might as well concentrate on nice things. It's coming......... We can't stop it.

Miss Mari-Nanci

Lib said...

What a Lovely Post!
So sweet about you and your Dad:o)
Have a great wk.end!

BetteJo said...

I hate that is gets colder - but I wouldn't like if it were warm all the time either.
Wonderful thoughts about your dad - you'll always run into memories of him when you least expect it. :)

Judy said...

What a wonderful thing you said to your Dad. I bet he was so proud!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane...
Thanks for your recent visit...
I hope your Halloween was fun!

Penny Engel said...

The leaves are beautiful, wonderful photography!