I got this meme from Sally at Smiling Sally go visit her ,she loves BOOKS!!!!
1. Where is your cell phone.~~ Purse
2. Where is your significant other?~~ Out Shopping
3. Your hair color? ~~~Brownish
4. Your Mother? ~~~Passed Away
5. Your Father?~~~ Passed Away
6. Your favorite thing?~~~ Crafting and Reading
7. Your dream last night? ~~~Did not dream
8. Your dream goal?~~~ Been there !
9. The room you're in? ~~~Bedroom/Office
10. Your hobby?~~~Crafting ,reading, blogging
11. Your fear?~~~~ Getting deathly sick
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? ~~~Home
13. Where were you last night?~~~~Went out for a coffee and a ride and then home to watch the elections!
14. What you are not?~~~ A redhead
15. One of your wish list items?~~~~~ Travel
16. Where you grew up?~~~~ Timmins Ontario Canada
17. The last thing you did?~~~ Make breakfast(porridge)
18. What are you wearing?~~~~ comfy clothes
19. Your TV? ~~~~~Bedroom
20. Your Pet?~~~ Passed away
21. Your computer? ~~~ Son built it for me
22. Your Mood? ~~~Smiling
23. Missing someone?~~~~ Mom and Kelly
24. Your car?~~~~~ Chev and Toyota
25. Something you're not wearing?...... Shoes (toe still pains me)
26. Favorite Store?~~~~Micheal's
27. Your summer?~~~~~ Wet
28. Love someone?~~~~~ With all my heart
29. Your favorite color? ~~~ Yellow
30. When was the last time you laughed?~~~~ Yesterday
31. When was the last time you cried?~~~~ Remembering Mom

PS~~~~ I must confess I added this little illustration that I borrowed from Smiling Sally

Oh, Diane, you know I love those; I'm going to copy it and go do it, too! It'll take me a couple of days, when I get it done, I'll link to yours! Why do they call them "meme"? I never have figured it out!
I always enjoy these memes, gets us to know a person so much better:-) xoxo
I enjoyed reading your meme. Enjoy the rest of your day!!
You even took my illustration! And, you didn't give me credit!
I'm glad that you enjoyed this meme, but you CHEATED! You used more than one word. ;-)
These are great! I love learning new things about my blog friends; each thing brings me closer to knowing them better. Thank you so much for sharing.
Love to learn new things about blogging friends. Every time I look at my oak trees now, I think of you!
Everyone has a story. These memes help us to learn each others' stories and I enjoy them all.
Neat to learn more about you :)
I love your MEME! I will do it one of these days myself and link it to yours.
I am finally back in blogland, trying to visit a few each day. I have been working close to 18-hour days..."snowbird" season for FL rentals, and that keeps me so busy. And then my other job doing graphic design. It leaves me little time for blogging...and I've missed that so much!
I also love crafts...but no time for that, either, these days.
I'll be back to visit some evening...I love to see what you've been up to!
(((((( HUGS ))))))
I so enjoy reading about people..... it just makes YOU become real.
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