We went for the nicest long ride today, we went to a Provincial Park, and rode out to each lake to take pictures, it was so beautiful and sunny,warm breeze, what a treat, we haven't had 2 nice days together in a very long while.People were taking advantage of the warmer weather to bask in the sun.Its not so bad here up North when the sun is out.
Yesterday the bugs were sooooo bad, I had to spray myself with OFF and I actually had wear my hoodie,this is my bug spray sweater, I don't care if I get bug spray on it, I use it also to go target practicing, its really buggy there.I was so hot but the bugs were so bad.....Dont I look cute??

oh the joys of those pesky bugs!!!
I have a invisible sign on my head that says eat me!!!!
I read the line you wrote: "People were taking advantage of the warmer weather to bask in the sun." My mind can't even wrap itself around the fact that it is not searing hot everywhere. It was 100 degrees here today, and the sun is absolutely baking my plants! I am so jealous, I would even take the bugs, just to have some milder weather. Isn't that just human nature, we always want what we can't have. Payback will be in January, when I have to put on a sweater to go out and work in the yard! Enjoy the weather....
When we lived in Louisiana I believe the mosquito is the state bird. I think they draw invisible targets on you when you enter from another state there and they take turns dive bombing you.
Lovely pics!
I am sooo *jealous* of your beautiful butterflies and how they stay still, so you can take a photo of them. Noooo fairrrrr!!! -pout- -moan- -sigh-
You target shoot?!? Now I am very, very *jealous* of you. I so wish I'd learned to shoot, back in the day. Now, it would probably knock me into next week, if I ever got my hands on a gun and could try it. -pout-
Wow but you are making this ol' lady *jealous* this morning! -giggggles-
And btw, mosquitoes LUV me! I am a magnet! Had to put Deet on, just now, just to step out back and take a couple of pics. Yish...
And no, I don't wear fragrance in the summer.
And my son-i-law is the same.. they LUV him too! -sigh- We are dooooomed! lol
Miss Mari-Nanci
When Twilight Embraces
Hi Diane..
Oh my a buggy place ~!!!
you look so funny in the hoodie hiding from those dang bugs.LOL
Love it..
write me about the gourds ..
hugs Patty
You are adorable! Today those pesky little flies have been after us! OFF here I come! LOl!
I have lots of mosquitoes actually clinging to my storm door, just waiting for some construction worker to let them gain entry! I don't know why they're so out of control this year here! And yes, you look like...a bluejay!
Thank you for stopping by today and the get well wishes.
PS I love the pic of the butterflies. :)
Re: your comment/reply in my blog... I think it's wonderful for a woman to know how to handle a gun. I wish I had learned and become proficient, when I was younger!!
We have lots of gun rules {for the law abiding people} down here too. I looked into it, and.... Good grief! I couldn't just go somewhere and try it.
Have to do classes and get some people to verify that one is a good candidate for learning, and etc. So I gave up the dream. I'm a wee bit too old to be taught something like this. :-)
I'm still *jealous* of you. :-)
Miss Mari-Nanci
Lovely lake and I just loved all the butterflies on the flowers. When I see the puff balls (fuzzy thing) I always pick one, make a wish and then blow all the fuzz away.....do you do that too? If all the fuzz is blown away your wish comes true....kid stuff but still fun.
Oh, don't you just hate all those pesky little things? When we camp or even here during the summer Off is our best friend. Hugs, Linda
Hello1 My first visit here and you are a real neat blog. My girlfriend in High School (oh so many moons ago) was a campion sharpshoot/marksman. She loved it. I haven't shot a hand gun only a 22 rifle. It's my varmint gun.
I like to do crafts too--right now making cards which I see you must do too. I popped over here after visiting Mari-Nanci. MaryBeth
The butterfly pics are just beautiful! And yes, you do look cute in your Bug-OFF outfit! LOL
The photos are lovely! You target shoot? That's wonderful. I used to many years ago. I really enjoyed it. Have you been targe shooting long?
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