It just looks gray instead of having highlights.I am too young for this much grey hair!!!!
I am told I have thin hair but for the life of me I don't see it.
When I make a pony tail(( which is not my best look by the way)) its a two fister in my hand,I have a lot of hair, when I dry my hair its wild like Medusa's .
My kids laugh at me when I dry my hair, then I must battle with it to tame it down to a normal size, I have tried rollers , I have tried a curling iron, I have tried to flatten it, that really cut the volume for me but I just can't seem to make it look as good as my daughter gets it to look, she says I don't have enought patience to get it just right.((( She is right))
Like the cartoon below no matter what I try it dosen't work,I love the longer hair but I can't make it work for me. OK!!! I am hair-challenged!!!

I really need a fresh look to go away on holidays, goodbye long hot hair.I will miss you............(NOT)................

Oh That is a cute post Diane(:) wow two handful for a ponytail you don't know how lucky you are(:) wowow mine is about a dime size circle.. well maybe a lotion called no friz..not sure of the exact name or brand.. it might help..Thanks on my cutie grandson..thanks DI..hugs Patty
My husband contends that a woman gets married, then cuts off all her hair. I take umbrage at this comment, but he says all the men agree. How often have you heard a man say, "Aw, don't cut your hair. It's so pretty. Please wear it down." Honey, my hair stays short. My hair stylist says she doesn't think she can cut it short enough to suit me. I do not care about my hair, and I have VERY thick hair. I don't even look in the mirror often. When she cuts it, I never look. I say cut it and set me free. I don't want a wash, don't want it dried. I want back to the garden. She gets the same money about every four weeks. A big tip. She's happy!
I am completely gray. But truly only my hairdresser knows for sure...and everyone in blogland now. It just comes with the territory. Aveda has a product called HANG STRAIGHT that works very well for stratening, and Bumble & Bumble have a product called DEFRIZZ, that is GREAT, and you only have to use a little bit. My hair looks like night and day without these two products. My little beauty tip for the day. Maybe we should just blame it on global warming!
Mine's the same as attic clutter, dime sized, at best. Very thin and very fine. I wear it between chin and shoulder length, and was once told it felt like cotton candy! They say you always want what you can't have, that's right in this case. Consider yourself blessed, I'd trade hair with you in a heartbeat!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I have read quite a few Dean Koontz novels, but not any recently. I have a sister that is addicted to them though. I can completely relate to bad hair days! With naturally curly hair, humid days are a nightmare! I visited the South once, and I had an afro the size of Texas, I swear! Karen Eileen is right though...try the Hang Straight...I used to be a hair stylist, and that's one of the only things that has worked for me!
I think your hair is pretty! Just imagine if it was thick And naturally curly! UGH! That is what I have to deal with everyday.
And then lets add in some very hot & humid days! Want to trade? By the way, I keep mine fairly short too!
I'll be watching for a picture of you and your new hair style. I sure hope it is exactly what you want.
Thanks for the info about the white balance too. My camera does it automatically.
Thank heaven!
Hi Diane~I too gave up the long hair battle! Too curly and out of control most days! And way too much gray for my age too! Yikes...I shouldn't be surprised my grandma was totally gray in her 40's! Post a pic of your new hairdo!
Have a great day!
I know exactly how you feel--my hair is very thick and there's always been lots of it. The problem has always been, for me, that my hair is wavy and frizzy, and I get the same results when it's first blown dry! I used to do all kinds of crazy things to my long hair to get it looking smooth and straight. Now it's a lot shorter, and I use a flat iron to smooth it out, and I am much happier with it shorter at my age--I hope you have a lovely, pampered time at the salon and that you're very pleased with your new "do"--Cheers, Jann
Cute post! I am severely hair challenged. So I gave up. When I need to look presentable, I wear a wig. LOL
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