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Friday, August 1, 2008

The New And the Old Me!!

The Before Me !!
The After Me!!
I feel so much better , this little hairdresser did such a good job I just love this new haircut.
Feels like I lost 10 pounds off my head, the plus side is I can do this all by myself ((I think))
TA DA !!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great haircut! You look younger and lighter! Show us that happy face!

Nola said...

You look wonderful. What a great cut. Isn't it a nice feeling to have a new "do".

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Glad you stopped by! Did you see my craft blog also??

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Oh well look at you! Gorgeous darling!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

A new look is like a new pair of shoes, uplifting and fun.Don't you feel younger already?
Thanks so much for popping in from Northern Ontario for a visit.
My inlaws used to live in South Porcupine so I'm familiar with the area.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!

LauraJ said...

well I'll be! how pretty snazzy are you?? I hope I'm half as beautiful as you when I'm 36. You're 36 right?

Attic Clutter said...

OH MY GOODNESS I just saw the new you ...I LOVE it Diane..
It just is so cute and makes you looks younger too (:)
big hugs Patty

Kim's Treasures said...

I love your haircut! She did a great job!
Have a wonderful week away!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

LOVE your new do Diane! Cute!


Anonymous said...

I think it's quite becoming on you! I always wanted straight hair so I could wear it that way. Of course I have very thick wavy hair. The grass is always greener...

Nonnas News said...

Nice haircut! I'm sure you will enjoy your new do!! Have fun on holiday. Cant wait to hear all about it and see some great pictures!

smileymamaT said...

oh, VERY nice! I bet that feels fantastic!!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

I Love your hair Diane! It makes you look 10 yrs younger!! Great look!
Have a great week!
Hugs, Sherry

Tina Coruth said...

You look great!!! :-)

smilnsigh said...

Excellent! Love it!

'Miss' Mari-Nanci

Mountain Mama said...

I think your new do is gorgeous. And it will be so easy to care for too.
You have been blessed by your hair dresser.

Ginger said...

Your hair cute looks very good! There right you look younger and Fresh.
Hugs ginger