I love old linen I have trunks of it,and never pass up a doily or anything crochet into edge lace or something with exquisite embroidery work.I love the feel of it, so soft and snowy, the embroidery work is so lovingly done.Just beautiful things to hold and look at.
I could visualize the dolls dress ,and went to work creating them. I kept the loveliest the most delicate doilies and linen's of course I wont cut into them to make other things , they are too pretty, and someone worked so hard to create them all those years ago.They tell a story , they really do.
Want to know a secret??? I also collect vintage jewelry !! I have..... ...... not one .......... not 2.......... not 3................... but ~~~~((((4)))) trunk size rubbermaid containers full of it!!!!!... Oh yes I do !!
My most prized treasures are the rhinestone brooches , oh how I love those brooches!!
Some day I will take pictures of it, you won't believe it, you will think I am a pirate !!!
I have made many little boxes for little girls filled with earrings and long beaded necklaces who were just delighted with their bounty for playing dress up.
I don't wear it personally , I just like having it,and again it just amaize's me that some ladies will sell me their mother's jewelry for a quarter or a few bucks and say with tears in their eyes, ....(((That was my mother's jewelry!!!)) Why why why would you sell your mother's things like that?? I don't care if it is just costume jewelry if it was your mother's why would you want to get rid of it???
Some years back I was at an estate sale and it was a DIL selling off her MIL's things, all kinds of jewelry and clothing, right down to her old Sunday best gloves remember those?? That lady had every color of glove you could imagine with jewelry to match, wow I thought I had died and went to heaven, I bought it all, every last piece, I asked the lady selling it who this all belonged to?? She gave me a smirk that ~~ said it all really, and told me it was her MIL and they were getting ((rid)) of all of her things.Kinda breaks your heart when you hear that esp. with the attitude and smirk she had telling me all this.
All my vintage jewelry tells a story about a lady who owned it and wore it and enjoyed it.Same thing with my vintage collection of linen,they were cherished pieces of history, that ladies washed ironed and in some cases starched and kept for years and years and years until they sold it to me for a quarter.Lucky me I get to enjoy and cherish it for them!!
What do you collect??? What can't you pass up ????