I found a web site that gives me the giggles,its so cute.
It makes your day ........ makes mine anyway.......... maybe I am too easy to please ???
See if these don't make you smile too !!
Here is the web site if your interested in more cute pics.

HahahhaLOLOLLOL!!! I just learned of this site on Cute Overload :)
I've heard of this! So cute. Diane, if you're that easy to please, then that means you're mentally healthy. It's the folks who never see the glass as half full that I worry so about!
I am a cat person, so I am going "clappity clappity", too. Those were too sweet!
LOL!!!!!!!!! Now that is the sweestest happy I have had in a long time!
Diane...these are the cutest! If you have the grumps these cuties will lift your spirit. They each gave me a smile..but for some reason I just loved " my granma made it for me". This was a perfect way to end my day....hugs, Linda
Hello Sweet Diane!
LOVE the cute kitty pictures! I am a sucker when it comes to cats...love them to pieces!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh, WAY cute !!! I cant stop smiling. :) Thanks for sharing that !! :)
These are sooooo cute ! I'll go check out that site right now!
Thanks so much for sharing!!
love, bj
Oh, that gaves mez the happeeez! The photos are so fun (i am such a cat lover...oh, and not to forgot the last bunny!) and the words just follow right along. Got to check out that website..I believe laughing is VERY good for the soul and I'm always looking for good sources.
Hey, being easy to please is the way to be...smile, baby, smile!LOL
I'm gonna have to use that "I have a dumb" one!
A++++++++++++++loved it. Kittens are very expressive. But the captions just topped it off. I will be smiling for a while. Thanks, Diane.
HI Diane..
OH way way to cute(:)
LOVE those pics ..just bring such a big smile to my face..bless you for that ..you are a sweet heart..
AND I'm so glad you are gonna clean out that yukky linen closet too~ HEHE~
'hug from
Missy Closet Cleaner>>~~Patty
Really cute!!!! zpk
Thank you so much for your visit and so sweet comments! What adorable photos, and they indeed did make me smile! I sure hope you stop by for another visit soon, and I will surely be back to say hello! Enjoy your weekend!
Gday Dianne. Cute Pics sure made me smile...
Thanks for these photos, they really made me smile on a very grey wet morning (again!)
what cute pictures...
thank you for the big smile...
Ohhhhhhhhh those are so precious!!!
Miss Mari-Nanci
Thanks for stopping by and for my {hug}!! I do appreciate it! Your photos really put a smile on my face - those are adorable! Thanks for sharing them and the site too!
Cute, Cute, Cute!!
Too cute :)
I love the "Grandma Made it" one!
I love your banner and I love the kitties!! I shared with my kitty loving daughters!
Diane from Diane's Musings
Oh my .. I have the giggles now too ! .. this is too cute to believe : ) Thank You !
So because I have always seen the glass as half full .. I'm OK ? LOL
Hi Diane..(:) wow 53 pounds that was really great..
I have lost the same ten over and over but I have gained so much in the last 20 years ugh.. I never stop trying though ..WW type of eating is one choice..at least it is a healthy way to eat....
It is just so hard to resist the yummy stuff~!!!
glad you came over (:)))) hugs Patty
Definately cute, I love the fort one.
those definitley made me smile! Thanks for sharing!
How funny- I've got to bookmark that site!
These pictures are so cute!!! I sure laughed hard at a few of them. Thanks for posting them.
OH MY HECK....THOSE ARE SO FREAKING CUTE!! If you were having a bad day....those would turn things around in a heartbeat! Thanks for the MEGA SMILES!
OM Gosh that was so cute! Thanks for the chuckle to start my day. I need to check out the site.
Hugs, DebraK
Oh, my, those had me giggling like crazy. Soooo cute!
how absolutely adorable... you had me giggling out loud in the office - especially about hearing the ocean! hahaha
Those are so cute! I love kitties!
Those are to cute! I have got to check out that website!
Thanks for the laugh!
These are hilarious!!! Thank you for all the good hardy laughs!!! Tina
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